Over the years, Don Falconer has written or contributed to many publications and articles including:​
J.K.Richardson, J.D.Quirt, R. Hlady, Best Practice Guide on Fire Stops and Fire Blocks and Their Impact on Sound Transmission, National Research Council Canada, June 2007 - Contributing member of the special interest group.
D.F. Falconer, S. Trestain, G.S. Frater, Fire Protection of Hollow Structural Sections with Intumescent Coatings--Case examples, Tubular Structures XI, 2006.
AWCI Technical Manual 12B, Field Guide for the Inspection and Testing of Thin FIlm Intumescent Fire Resistive Coatings; an Annotates Guide--Original committee chair
Falconer, D. (March 2006). Keeping it Cool: Intumescent Technology. CoatingsPro 39.
Falconer, D. (2006). Taking the Heat in Style. Journal of Protective Coatings and Linings 56, 2-5.
Falconer, D. (2006). On the Performance of Intumescents. Journal of Protective Coatings and Linings 23, 23-4.
Falconer, D. (2003). Decorative Thin-Film Intumescent Fire-Resistive Coatings for Structural Steel. Walls & Ceilings 30, October 2003.
Falconer, D. (1999). Sprayed Fire Resistive Materials on Structural Steel. Construction Canada 6, 41-1.
Carnegie, R., Barker, M., Falconer D. (1995). Steel Structure: Thin-Film Intumescent Fireproofing.Construction Canada 13, 37-2.
Falconer, D. (1990). Directly Applied Resistive Materials--Update. Construction Canada 22, 32-4.